Adobe Audition Tutorial: Adding Dynamic DJ Scratch Effects
Adobe Audition has a cool effect which allows you to add a "DJ Scratch" to your beat/vocals. Once your ready to add your effect, the first thing your gonna wanna do is convert the clip your adding the effect to, into a unique copy. Once you add this effect its gonna add time on to your clip so if you don't convert it to a unique copy it may throw your whole session off of timing. Right clip your clip and click "Convert To Unique Copy". Now also if you don't like the effect you can just drag the old clip back to how it was. Once we converted it we're gonna double click & go into to multitrack, highlight the section we want, go up to effects, scroll down to "Time and Pitch" then click "Pitch Bender". Adobe Audition offers a few different presets to choose from, today we're gonna be using "Turntable Loosing Power". Click apply & there you go, you have a little scratch on your recording. Cool little effect to use every now & then 🤷♂️