BEST Adobe Audition VOICE EFFECTS for music production
After 10 years of making music, you'd think id switch to a more mainstream program like Pro Tools, Logic, FL Studio... I get questioned it all the time, why you still using Adobe Audition? The reason I'm still using Adobe Audition is because Adobe Audition has some of the BEST VOICE EFFECTS FOR MUSIC PRODUCTION. Lets start with the EQ...they have several of different eqs. 10 band, 20 band, 30 band, parametric eq...some of the best eq plugins ive messed with & a huge selection. The compressors...I've used compressors from almost every big plugin company & still, Adobe has some of the most full, upfront sounding compressors & again, a huge selection. Lets get into my favorite plugin, Adobe Auditions autotune, Adobe Audition autotune is my favorite autotune plugin there is, I cant sing & this thing actually makes me sound on key & holds my pitch. When I try to achieve that effect with other plugins it either sounds like I still cant sing or I sound like a robot. This is why im still with Adobe. In this video ill be going over some of these effects, follow along & you shall get some high quality vocals with just Adobe Auditions voice effects.